Buckle up

No doubt the reachability has significantly improved, evolving smart devices and the internet are working day in and out to make it possible. As a result, everyone has got a story of their own, many are floated online to be read and consumed.

The straight advantage is the availability of content in abundance without too much of an effort. The customer-centric environment has encouraged these storytellers to push content online in various formats.

We, as a writer, service provider, companies and even non-profit making organisations are furiously competing to be heard and be the first one out.

Notifications, mailers, messages etc are kept busy to seek a certain amount of our time and attention. The chimes and pings keep us occupied in the process. Some of these are programmed to act as per our behaviour (Artificial Intelligence), aren’t they?

On the other side, as a receiver of these contents, we no longer face the challenge of utilising time to look up for the information we need, but we invest too much of our time in filtering what we are looking for.

Consequently, this kind of indulgence is making us less productive. In fact it disturbs our flow and focus. As I said, it looks at our behaviour but never Accounts the interval or a window of time we prefer. Thus, it has become a distraction.

Too much of availability is becoming a problem. People are looking for an avenue to get away, which is why a few smart devices have started to log our screen time, why? to help minimise the damage. Not sure if they are succeeding enough on that front.

There is also rise in theories that talks about blocking yourself from internet to get your work done or be productive. On a personal note, I could implement some of these thoughts and reaped enormous benefits. But the question is if I could sustain.

The very desire to make information available is becoming a sort of burden. It eats up undesired amount of time in identifying “what is right for me?”

The impact is due to our impulsive behaviour. The current approach demands us to treat every popping information as important and useful. Thereby, it challenges our bandwidth to deal and deliver.

Why succumb to this behaviour? Argumentatively, let technology be the boon and not the curse. This is where our ingrained wisdom should supersede and help us adopt a unique blend to attain and not to get caught in the swirl, as it is the case.

What I want to say is that power lies in you. You and I can individually decide what fits us in congruence. We must protect to get driven and be in control to drive. In other words, let us feel empowered by technology and not get deteriorated by its existence.

I have spoken my heart out from its deepest core. This may be the voice of many who resonate the similar feeling.

So, before we let our hearts to wander, it must sync with our brains and wisely conclude “what is important for me” and not what they (I mean the suppliers, providers, senders etc) think is important.

It’s time! we buckle up and take the control back.