2020 – What’s in store?

I hope you all are nicely settling down with 2020. How does it feel after spending craziest New Year’s Eve? Great, isn’t it? Though we are sitting on the 3rd day and 4th in some parts of the world, I can still feel the presence of freshness and newness in the air.

Ironically, I was little upset when I began to write this post. Originally, I had thought of writing my last post of 2019 on the eve itself. But I couldn’t. I missed the apt timing. I know and I would’ve regretted it badly, had it been due to some bogus excuse. The truth is that I was busy with my work commitments which ran throughout the night of eve and extended till the dawn of 1st day of the year 2020.

I wrote a couple of drafts expressing my disappointment caused due to emergency at work. It disrupted my normalcy a little. Each time when I thought of publishing it, I stopped. I didn’t know the reason then but realised it later.

I didn’t want to begin my first blog of the year in a negative light. In fact, in the hindsight, the gap of 3 days really helped me to settle down and think through. I recalled the adage used by my supervisor 7-8 years ago – Whatever happens really happens for your own good.

I discarded those drafts and contemplated about my first blog. Thus, I began searching for a topic and ate another day in the process. When my thinking cap couldn’t strike the chord, I decided to go impromptu.

I know my writing style and what’s my forte. So, I thought why not to put that in use. I know that I can express myself naturally better than when something is imposed on me. That is what this post would reflect.

However, I wouldn’t just leave you giving the gist of my candid expression. I would also love to share a brief highlight about how I’ve planned to deal with certain shortcomings in my life. My health is one amongst many other areas I want to improve on.

I am not much of a resolution guy. I have stopped making them. So, don’t even think this to be the one. This is rather concerning about my diet program which I had started in Oct’19 and mentioned a couple of times in my previous blogs.

Apparently, I deviated from my prescribed diet plan and wrote in detail about it on 28th Dec’19 in the blog post titled “So, I am still in the game”. In line with that I have decided to follow my diet plan constructively, watching my steps before and after each consultation with my dietician.

Hitherto, I applied a sort of blind approach and I was happy to see the amount of weight loss after each consultation. But going forward, I am going to give myself small targets and measure how effectively I am working towards my ultimate goal.

This will be my strategy to achieve desired result and keep me on the hunt always. Not only this, but I have decided to adopt this approach in my other areas of life. Though I haven’t worked in detail for those areas yet but soon will begin.

On that note I shall conclude, I think that’s adequate for my first blog of the year. Perhaps, it’s little lengthy. I can live that. Nothing supersedes the satisfaction I am able to draw after publishing this post.

Bye for now. I shall keep seeing you all here.

Author: Manish

I am on a spree to catch my three Musketeers - ‘Read, Write and Repeat!’, Have a strong grip on the First and Last combined (Read & Repeat) but still left to tie all three together (as a process). Hope to achieve this through ‘Moving Notions’, a string of random thoughts as a step towards reflecting me as an aspiring WRITER!